Explore our extensive range of financial solutions, including Certificate of Deposit (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), designed to bolster your savings. Enjoy the security of a reliable investment avenue with our CDs, ensuring steady growth. Our IRAs offer tax advantages and diverse investment opportunities crafted to align with your long-term financial objectives.
Start confidently on your journey toward financial success by exploring our CD and IRA offerings today.
With a minimum deposit of $2,500, a CD offers a competitive fixed rate, a fixed term of investment, plus a guaranteed return of your principal. The rate of interest is set at the time of issue and is dependent upon the amount and maturity of the CD. Deposits of less than $10,000 will only be issued for maturities of one year or more. Early withdrawal penalties apply*.
Minimum Opening Balance: $2,500
IRA Accounts, Qualified Retirement Plans, and CESAs
It’s never too late to plan for your retirement. We can help you do just that with fixed- or variable-rate IRAs, rollover accounts, Roth IRAs, Coverdell Education Savings, Qualified Retirement Plans, and Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan. Additional contributions may be made at any time to variable rate IRAs. Early withdrawal penalties apply*.
Minimum Opening Balance: $200

Additional Information & Disclosures
*Early Withdrawal Penalties: Withdrawal of funds from a Certificate of Deposit prior to maturity may result in a maximum penalty which will be disclosed in writing at the time of investment.